Friday, March 27, 2015

Tasting - Villa Jolanda Brut

Name: Villa Jolanda Brut
Variety: Brut
Region: N/A
Country: Italy
Year: N/A
Price: $8.95
Shop Review: "Brilliant straw color with emerald reflections. Fresh and floral bouquet with a hint of pears, apricots, and bananas. Fresh and inviting with bright fruit and an easy drinking style with a pleasing hint of almonds in the aftertaste."
My Review: Pale golden in color, this bubbly champagne smelled of pears, apricots, and other stone fruits. In fact, there were lots of fruits on the nose; probably more than I could identify. It was a refreshing smell. Upon tasting, initially it was extremely bubbly - I could not taste anything! Then, it had a somewhat stinky, prominent aftertaste of strong potpourri. There were lots of floral notes, which made it feel like I was eating flowers mixed in with some really carbonated club soda. It was pretty good, and felt special to drink, so I would save this one for special events and occasions for sure. Was not paired with any food. 

Tasting - Alvarez de Toledo Godello

Name: Alvarez de Toledo Godello
Variety: Verdelho (Godello)
Region: Bierzo
Country: Spain
Year: 2013
Price: $7.95
Shop Review: "Clean pale yellow color. Nose fruity, persistent and elegant aromas. Good backbone on the palate."
My Review: This was my first time trying this type of grape. Its color was very yellow, more than I have ever seen in white wines, which are usually quite pale, straw-like, or golden in color. Quite honestly, this wine's color reminded me of pee. Despite that, it had a nice grapefruit scent, while at the same time smelling like a very sweet, juicy pear. Its aroma was crisp and refreshing. The taste was also crisp, first giving off a light, floral mouthfeel, and then finishing with more pear and grapefruits in a delightful way. I wouldn't mind pairing this wine with fruits and cheese. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Oracle Pinotage

Name: Oracle Pinotage
Variety: Pinotage
Region: N/A
Country: South Africa
Year: 2014
Price: $7.95
Shop Review: "The unusual style of Pinotage with complex aromas of black pepper, smoke, tomato, and dark fruit. The palate is packed with ripe mixed berry flavors, making this unoaked red wine a real crowd pleaser."
My Review: This wine's color was a deep, reddish-brownish kind of color. Simply by looking at it in the glass, it seemed light and airy, and most likely medium-bodied. Upon smelling it, I was introduced to the best-smelling bouquet I have experienced thus far. It smelled delicious, like butter, vanilla, berries, and cream. Its taste was just as delightful. It gave off slight notes of vanilla with a really nice, rounded feel. Although the finish was dry, I really, really enjoyed this wine and I would love to find it again. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Monte Degli Angeli Sangiovese

Name: Monte Degli Angeli Sangiovese
Variety: Sangiovese
Region: Puglia
Country: Italy
Year: 2013
Price: $7.95
Shop Review: "The aromas are rich and dark, with lots of black cherry and a hint of balsamic. In the mouth the wine is round and energetic, with cherry and black raspberry fruit complemented by hints of damp earth. If you like Sangiovese-based wines like Chianti or our best-selling Colsanto from Umbria, you'll love this! The wine is ripe, fresh, and fruit-driven with a wonderful dash of earthy complexity at the end. Buy it by the case and drink with pizza, grilled poultry, and pasta."
My Review: This wine was a beautiful deep red. It looked a lot like grape juice. The aroma given off was of plastic and cloves, with a slight reminder of cow manure. Even with such a horrid reminder, it was not a bad smell. The initial taste made me think of berry compote. More of the plastic component came out in the finish, and it had an earthy kind of feel. The finish dry, but the wine was pretty good and I would probably drink it again. Was not paired with any food.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tasting - Bolla Moscato

Name: Bolla Moscato
Variety: Moscato
Region: Pavia
Country: Italy
Year: N/A
Price: $9.95
Shop Review: "Loaded with juicy exotic fruit, mature apricot, yellow peach and tangerine flavors, this sweet and delightful wine is perfect for Sunday brunch or picnics."
My Review: This Moscato was actually quite yellow rather than gold, with some greenish hues to it. It smelled like some kind of syrup. It also had a sort of car smell, kind of like burnt rubber. The flavor was sweet, but not typical of the Moscatos that I have tried before. It wasn't extremely fruity but still enjoyable. Was not paired with any food.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Wine and Cheese Pairing #1

Our collection of wines and cheeses.

Last week, two of my friends and I got together and experienced our very first wine and cheese pairing. It was an interesting and fun experience that I've always wanted to try. We sampled 3 different wines and 3 different cheeses, unfortunately without much knowledge of what pairs together best. Each of us contributed one bottle and one type of cheese. Our collection included two red wines and a rose.

My initial thoughts were that red wines might go well with spicy, more flavorful cheeses, whereas a rose would pair best with a cheese that's creamy or has white rinds. Even with that knowledge, though, I already had a Merlot sitting around that I hadn't opened yet, so I decided to make that my wine contribution. At the same time I was in the mood to eat some Brie cheese, despite learning that it would probably pair better with a white wine. (Guess I'll save that combination for the next wine and cheese pairing!) My other two friends contributed Cabernet and Rose along with cheddar and pepper jack cheeses.

Close-up of the wines, all purchased from The Vintage Cellar at college-student-friendly prices.

For each combination of wine and cheese, we first tasted the wine by itself, then the cheese by itself, then both of them together. After each tasting we analyzed our thoughts about it.

First up was the Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon. Upon pouring it in the glass, it gave off a dark maroon, brownish color, leaving a numerous amount of fairly long legs along the side of the glass after swirling it. My first whiff of it had a strong alcoholic smell that tingled my nose. It seemed peppery, like spicy cloves. Its flavor was fairly robust and had strong tannins. Surprisingly it had a smooth finish and was not bitter, but it did linger on the tongue in a slightly unpleasant way. We decided to pair this one with the cheddar cheese.

The Cheddar had almost no scent, so it was not stinky (like more cheese) and was bright orange in color. It had sharp flavor, was a little salty, and had the perfect chewy texture. It was delicious on its own.

Together, these two didn't pair very well in our eyes (or mouth, rather). The flavors didn't seem to blend well, they more so created a messy mix of flavors. The presence of the cheese made the wine taste pretty bad - it was more acidic, no yummy elements were brought out, and the pleasant taste of the cheddar was masked. Overall, this wine and cheese clashed with each other. It might have been a result of the somewhat low-quality brands that we chose, but we had indeed heard that Cabernet and Cheddar go together well.

Close-up of the cheeses, which were kind of chosen at random.

Next up we tried the Bricco Del Tati Rose. It had a deep pink color and distinct scent that I can't quite describe. It was both floral and sweet, but I couldn't figure out what types of fruits I was tasting. The scent was also spicy at the same time. This wine had a nice light flavor, perfect to enjoy a warm sunny day. It had an interesting aftertaste and a tangy finish.

We paired this wine with Brie cheese. It smelled a lot like plastic. It was yellowish in color with a white waxy rind coating it. It was soft and very creamy - it easily melted in my mouth. For some reason it tasted like some kind of vegetable, possibly lettuce or a leaf vegetable of some sort. I tried it cold because I wasn't sure if this was the kind of brie that should be heated and drizzled with honey.

When putting these two together, the cheese again made the wine taste stronger and more alcoholic. The rose brought out more of the vegetable flavor in the brie, reminding me of canola oil or Crisco shortening. At this point, I had a realization that I didn't really enjoy wine with cheese, or that we must have gone wrong with our combinations, because this experience wasn't yielding the best results. It was kind of like we were just mashing flavors together that didn't complement each other. But I remain hopeful since it was only our first one and we have yet to learn about better pairings.

All of us at the table!

Our last wine selection was a Canyon Road Merlot. This one was a gorgeous deep, dark red. It didn't have too strong of an aroma, but it did reminded me of pepper and spices. There were also hints of vinegar. The wine showed off short, rather spaced out legs on the side of the glass. It was medium-bodied with an even flavor throughout the mouthfeel, tasting like berries, with a nice smooth finish. I really enjoyed this wine on its own. It was actually recommended to me by an employee at The Vintage Cellar when I was looking for something similar in taste to a wine that I tried during one of our weekly tastings. It was also extremely affordable, so I'm thankful that they were able to introduce it to me!

We paired this merlot with Pepper Jack. It's a white cheese with noticeable specs of red and green peppers throughout. It smelled spicy and delicious. This cheese is extremely flavorful. It does not need anything added to it, it was simply enjoyable by itself. Not too salty and not too overpowering. One of my favorite cheeses!

This was the best combination out of the three. The wine brought out even more of the spiciness in the cheese in a delightful way. I could also taste more berry characteristics from the wine. It gave the merlot a hot finish which was quite good, and together the wine and cheese left behind a hint of spice on the throat. This pairing was just bursting with flavor. It was exciting, powerful, and tasty.

Us opening the cheese and wine. We're getting a hang of using our $6.00 wine opener.

Overall, this wine and cheese pairing was a fun experience. As we develop our palates and learn more about what goes best with what, I'm sure we will get better at it. Though two out of our three pairings weren't very enjoyable to our current tastes, the third one made up for it! We're excited to try again soon, hopefully with more knowledge and expertise.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tasting - Villa Pozzi Moscato

Name: Villa Pozzi Moscato
Variety: Moscato
Region: Sicily
Country: Italy
Year: N/A
Price: $8.95
Shop Review: "Loaded with juicy exotic fruit, mature apricot, yellow peach and tangerine flavors, this sweet and delightful wine is perfect for Sunday brunch or picnics."
My Review: Beautifully golden in color, this Moscato smelled deliciously juicy. It smelled of peaches, apricots, nectarine and other stone fruits. Once again I was reminded of a Dole fruit cup. It was perfectly bubbly, sweet, and had slight floral undertones. The flavor was refreshing and young, and I would definitely enjoy this with some seafood. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Paul Laureano Tinto Classico

Name: Paul Laureano Tinto Classico
Variety: Trincadeira, Aragonez, Alfocheiro
Region: Alentejano
Country: Portugal
Year: 2013
Price: $8.95
Shop Review: "Paulo Laureano's Classico is a delicious blend of the native Portuguese varietals Trincadeira (40%), Aragonez (40%), and Alfrocheiro (20%). This is a full bodied red that reveals all that the terroir of Portugal has to offer. Light cigar tobacco and soft leather present beautifully on the nose. Dark, black fruits fill the mouth, but the wine flows smoothly over the palate, with a good bit of spicy on the finish. Pair with spicy, cured meats and hard cheeses."
My Review: This wine had a beautiful deep red/burgundy color. Its scent was savory with notes of butter and oak. It had a delightful first impression on the tongue, with a taste that reminded me of merlot. It was medium-bodied, a perfect balance of grape flavor that was good and even. I would definitely drink this wine again. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Bodegas Atalaya Laya

Name: Bodegas Atalaya Laya
Variety: 70% Garnacha 30% Monastrell
Region: Almansa
Country: Spain
Year: 2013
Price: $8.95
Shop Review: "A blend of 70% Garnacha Tintorera, a.k.a. Alicate Bouschet, and 30% Monastrell; fermented in stainless steel, followed by four months in French oak. Bright purple. Cassis, blueberry, pungent herbs and mocha on the nose. Smooth and open-knit on the palate, displaying fresh cherry and dark berry qualities and a hint of black pepper. Finishes with gripping tannins and good length, leaving a subtle floral note behind."
My Review: The color was a deep purple. Its scent was peppery and plastic-like. It had a spicy flavor with some more plastic notes. It had strong tannins and a hot finish. Didn't really enjoy this wine too much. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Mars and Venus Chardonnay

Name: Mars and Venus Chardonnay
Variety: Chardonnay
Region: Central Valley
Country: Chile
Year: N/A
Price: $5.95
Shop Review: "A very nice value Chardonnay that comfortable over-delivers vs. its modest price tag. No oak here, just bushels of clean, crisp, Chardonnay apple and stone fruit with a hint of caramelized pineapple. Juicy and clean, this is a mid-weight white that's just perfect for parties or weeknight sipping."
My Review: This wine was golden, fuller looking, and more glossy against the glass than the previous wine. It didn't have a very nice aroma - it actually kind of smelled like pee. The scent also reminded me of some kind of vegetable. Its taste was strong in acidity, with a neither floral nor fruity flavor. Its taste was very similar to the Pinot Grigio, so it was quite enjoyable. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Cortenova Pinot Grigio

Name: Cortenova Pinot Grigio
Variety: Pinot Grigio
Region: Veneto
Country: Italy
Year: 2013
Price: $6.95
Shop Review: "Brilliant straw color with emerald reflections. Fresh and floral bouquet with a hint of pears, apricots and bananas. Fresh and inviting with bright fruit and an easy drinking style with a pleasing hint of almonds in the aftertaste." 
My Review: Pale straw in color with green undertones, I found the smell of this wine to be fruity and fresh. I could sense grapefruit and guava in its scent, which tingled my nose. It had a cool, refreshing floral flavor with a contradictory stinky aftertaste. Its finish had hints of pineapple and tanginess. I thought this wine was exceptional. Was not paired with any food.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tasting - Jam Jar Sweet White

Name: Jam Jar Sweet White
Variety: Moscato
Region: Western Cape
Country: South Africa
Year: 2014
Price: $8.95
Shop Review: "This charming, easy-drinking Moscato offers flavors of peach, apricot, lychee and orange blossom. A lively jolt of acidity keeps it fresh and fruity. Fancy enough for a special occasion toast, yet sweet-natured enough to enjoy every day, our bright and cheerful sweet wines are sure to capture your heart."
My Review: This wine caught my attention. It was a pale yellow colored Moscato. The scent smelled like plastic, but was also extremely floral. I really enjoyed smelling it - it made me feel as if I were walking through a lush garden in the springtime. When I tasted it, it was instantly sweet on the tongue. The flavor had a really nice mouthfeel and a perfect balance of fruity and floral notes, without being overly sweet. Would definitely drink this wine again! My roommate bought herself a bottle. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - La Fiera Montepulciano D'Abruzo

Name: La Fiera Montepulciano D'Abruzo
Variety: Montepulciano
Region: Abruzzo
Country: Italy
Year: 2013
Price: $7.95
Shop Review: "Lots of leather and dried fruit on this, but immensely enjoyable and held up well over the course of three days. A terrific find."
My Review: This was the first Montepulciano wine that I have ever tried. It had a beautiful deep red color. It looked thick and full-bodied against the sides of the glass. It smelled of grapes and vanilla. Its flavor was nice and easy on the tongue, and a little bland (which I liked). It had an even flavor and an even finish. I thoroughly enjoyed this wine. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Pirovano Sangiovese Romagna

Name: Pirovano Sangiovese Romagna
Variety: Sangiovese
Region: Abruzzo
Country: Italy
Year: 2012
Price: $7.95
Shop Review: "Aromas of bright berry fruit and violets merge with zesty spice and intense juicy flavors of ripe raspberry, plum and black cherry in this medium-bodied, food-friendly wine. Pairs perfectly with a variety of foods such as spicy pastas, red meats and poultry, as well as aged cheeses."
My Review: The wine's color was dark burgundy, almost brown. It seemed to have a similar body to a Merlot, medium-looking. It scent had that buttery smell that I've been experiencing with a lot of red wines lately. It gave hints of buttered popcorn and caramel. I really enjoyed this wine's taste. It was light and easy to drink, filled with grape flavors and a slight bit of sweetness, and a dry but tolerable finish. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Entrada Chardonnay

Name: Entrada Chardonnay
Variety: Chardonnay
Region: Nancagua
Country: Chile
Year: 2013
Price: $5.95
Shop Review: "Fruity and floral on the nose and rich but not heavy on the palate. Wonderful tropical fruit flavors are balanced by just a touch of French oak to round out the finish."
My Review: This wine had a nice, normal, golden Chardonnay color. It smelled sweet and fruity, very similar to the scent of the previous wine during this tasting. It had an interesting taste, different from the other Chardonnays that I have tried. It was neither floral nor fruity, and it reminded me of graham crackers. Its flavor was almost salty, with a certain zing to it. I'm not sure if I liked this wine, but it was definitely an interesting experience tasting it. Was not paired with any food.

Tasting - Protocolo White

Name: Protocolo White
Variety: 60% Airen, 40% Macabeo
Region: La Mancha
Country: Spain
Year: 2013
Price: $6.95
Shop Review: "Pale yellow. High-pitched aromas of lemon zest and white flowers, with a piquant mineral overtone. Dry, racy and focused, offering tangy lemon zest and green apple flavors and a touch of bitter herbs. Closes with good clarity and cut, leaving a tart citrus fruit note behind. This is pretty grown-up for the price, not to mention a superb value."
My Review: Its color was almost clear; it barely had any color to it because it was so pale. Instantly I thought of grapefruit when I smelled its fruity bouquet. It left a little tingle behind in my nose. Its taste was floral, and it had an interesting, weird aftertaste that reminded me of potpourri. Not a fan of this wine. Was not paired with any food.